Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Try the Social Media Stock Market

Empire Avenue is a social media stock market "game", where social media accounts are the commodities. I put quotes on game because I view it both as an actual measurement of one's social activity (regardless of the activity on Empire Avenue), and also a game, where people can work up their share values by doing stuff on the Empire Avenue site.

Joining is simple: sign up for an EAv account, enter your profile info, connect your blog / Twitter / Facebook / Flickr / YouTube accounts, and you're set! Btw, we can help each other if you could sign up by using my invite link: http://empireavenue.com/?t=ace07f6a where both of us will get an extra 2000 eaves (the virtual currency in EAv) woot!.

Like the real stock market, you buy shares of people and services, and hope you are investing on the right ones. It's a good idea to buy small number of shares in more people, as against putting all your eaves in just a few. That way, the downward fluctuations of share prices in your portfolio won't do much damage to your portfolio value.

I'm still learning the ropes in the game lol. My EAv profile is KATIVA. See you there!

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